



Sony Announced Resistance Online Additions

Sony Announced Resistance Online Additions


Sony has announced several additions to the online gameplay of Resistance: Fall of Man. Two new online modes, team conversion and assault, will be available for Resistance players on March 23. Team conversion is similar to the existing conversion mode, except that both teams will start off as human and have one life on each side. Assault mode forces players to wear down their opponents’ defenses before destroying their base. A new spectator camera which allows gamers to observe the action from any player’s point of view or free roam across the battlefield will also be added.

In May, another update will feature two new multiplayer maps set in Westmorland, England and Camborn, England, respectively. The Westmorland map will showcase the snowy northern hills of Great Britain. The Camborn may will feature above and below ground combat. Pricing for the maps is yet to be announced.

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