



Bungie Defends Halo 3 Visuals

Bungie Defends Halo 3 Visuals


While Halo 3 is getting generally record breaking reviews, a few gamers and reviewers seem to have had an issue with the graphics, which some have referred to as being Halo 2 in HD.

Bungie has taken the opportunity to respond to the slight criticisms about the visuals.

“It’s completely immersive. The art direction is immaculate. It’s not trying to be incredibly photo realistic or painting this grimy world. It’s vibrant and it’s fun and it’s accessible,” cinematic designer Lee Wilson said in response.

Multiplayer producer Joe Tung also chimed in, stating that “Stuff like the water, stuff like our HDR (high dynamic range or next-gen lighting) model, I think that stuff is so beautiful and so subtle and over time I hope people will appreciate that stuff as much as we do right now.

“Folks who have complained about the graphics in the large part have said ‘I don’t like the way it looks’ then they pick it up and they play it for half-an-hour and then four hours later they’re still playing and that’s the last time you hear them saying anything about the game.”

While most reviews of the giant title have been overly positive, a few reviews have criticized the game on points such as the aforementioned visuals, the rehashed gameplay, and the lack of surprises.

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