



Sony Acknowledges Gamers Want In-Game XMB

Sony Acknowledges Gamers Want In-Game XMB


The ability to access the Cross Media Bar while in-game is one of the most requested features for the PlayStation 3 updates.  Currently, there is no way for gamers to access their friends list, messages, or music without exiting the game they’re playing.  Apparently Sony does realize how important this feature is to their consumers and are looking into it.

“We are looking at a number of enhancements related to accessing some of the XMB features during gameplay, including messaging your friends,” Head of PlayStation Operations Eric Lempel stated. “While there’s no timeline to announce at this point, we’ve heard loud and clear from consumers that in-game XMB access is one of the most requested PS3 enhancements.”

Hopefully this means we will see the feature integrated into an update in the near future.

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