



Ultimate Portable Gaming System, Zenn, In the Works*

Ultimate Portable Gaming System, Zenn, In the Works*


The latest gaming system in development is truly revolutionary. Not only is it completely portable, but it will have more processing power than the average tricked-out PC.

Called the Zenn, this powerhouse developed by Microsoft is set to change the way the world games. It will have five to ten times the processing capability of the Xbox 360. The hardware is worn on the player’s back in a specially designed knapsack, which can also hold food, beverages, books, and other electronic gadgets. The screen is actually a specially designed ocular device that looks like a visor. It consists of dual screens which fully envelop one’s peripheral vision, so that it gives the appearance of total immersion. Each screen is tinted a different color to produce real 3D imaging. The dual, digital, high definition screens will ensure a degree of realism not even attainable in the real world. Add to this a Bose in-ear surround sound system, and you have a gaming device that will look and sound unlike anything anyone has ever experienced.

Sure it’s going to look great, and it’s going to sound like God, but how do you control it? A collapsible hand control unit is being devised for traditionalists, but the Zenn is once again poised to revolutionize the entire gaming industry by introducing what the developers call “a mind control unit.” Electrodes embedded on the sides of the visor will detect brainwave functions as well as galvanic skin responses which will then by translated into control commands. The developers claim that it may take a few hours of practicing for the system to calibrate your readings, but once that information has been processed, it’s stored forever in the perpetual memory. You can retrieve your stats from any such machine around the world.

The Zenn will feature totally interactive games including ones that will require you to walk around in the surroundings of your choice. Games such as shooters and other action-oriented genres will incorporate your environment into the gameplay. The Zenn will process obstacles and terrain located in your surrounding using visually-based software and GPS technology. You don’t have to worry about bumping into things when taking a stroll. This system is perfect for people that want to exercise as they can go for a walk, job, or bike ride while saving the planet from an alien invasion.

The Zenn will also function as a cell phone, printer, video camera, blackberry, MP4 player, recording studio, fish locator, X-ray machine, and a car battery booster. This is one device that you will never want to “get off your back.”

*This article is presented as an exclusive Cheat Code Central feature titled “Are you dumb enough to believe this?” Please check back each Friday for the newest edition.

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