



Sony Kills the 80GB, but is a 160GB Model on the Horizon?

Sony Kills the 80GB, but is a 160GB Model on the Horizon?


There’s a lot of loose talk out there about the possibility of a 120-160 GB PS3 to come to the U.S.  This rumor seems a bit odd however, in the wake of last week’s unconfirmed report of the cancellation of the 80GB PS3.

What sense would there be in Sony releasing a significantly larger HDD?  Is Sony simply falling into the tired cold war antics of “mine is bigger than yours?”  Or, does Sony plan on making Home something truly special?  Will we be able to stream Netflix movies?  Will we be able to keep our BluRay library formatted and stored for our PSP?

Until these kinds of questions are answered, I can’t see this rumor carrying much weight.  We will just have to wait and see.

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