



Nintendo Casually Delays Pikmin 3

Nintendo Casually Delays Pikmin 3

Today’s Nintendo Direct was surprisingly lacking when it came to content on first-party releases for the Wii U. Sure, there was a bit of Game & Wario, and the new version of Wii Fit, but there wasn’t anything for hardcore Nintendo fans among us. Couldn’t we have had a little more news about Fire Emblem: Awakening, or Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon?

Well, I guess we got a little more info about Pikmin 3.

The long-awaited sequel to Pikmin 2, itself released on the GameCube over eight years ago, was first announced and demonstrated at E3 and originally slated as a launch window title. Nintendo’s launch window for the Wii U stretches all the way to the end of Q1 2013 (March 31) and Nintendo had made assurances that the new game would make out during this period.

Today, however, they have decided otherwise. Pikmin 3 was officially pushed back to a Q2 2013 release during the Nintendo Direct video, with no mention of its prior release date or even acknowledgment that this qualifies as a delay. While a bit disappointing, it will hopefully create a better environment for the new title, with a larger install base for the Wii U by the time the game hits shelves.

Plus, we’ve been waiting for eight years. We can probably handle a few more months.

Source: YouTube

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