



Wonderful 101 Will Make You Glad To Own A Wii U

Wonderful 101 Will Make You Glad To Own A Wii U

The Wonderful 101 was one of the best Wii U titles at last summer’s E3. The game’s director, Hideki Kamiya, recently tweeted that the it might not necessarily be the longest thing in the world, explaining that if you don’t like games you beat the day after you purchase it, The Wonderful 101 might not be for you.

Platinum Games’ executive director, Atsushi Inaba, also took to Twitter to clarify the comments:

“BTW, if you didn’t know @PG_Kamiya is the kind of game director who will pack as much content into the game as he can until he is satisfied. If we were to give in to all of his desires, the game we’d ship would probably be some super-long action game that no one would beat. I’ve been teamed up with @PG_Kamiya as his producer for a long time now, and game length is something I’ve never once worried about.”

That means both the length of a single play-through and the replayability of the game. Never worried once. Never. Actually, my job really is to be the one who says “This is too %^&* long! Cut it!”

Of course, even though @pg_kamiya didn’t intend for people to jump to their own conclusions, they did. In this case, that conclusion was “So TW101 is going to be short then?!”

Let me make my own conclusion: TW101 will be so much fun that you are going to wear out your GamePad. Actually, the Wii U GamePad is pretty sturdy, so you probably won’t wear it out…

The Wonderful 101 will be released exclusively for the Wii U this Summer.

Source: Siliconera

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