



Pokemon Nintendo Direct Aired This Morning, Pokemon X and Y 3DS Bundles Announced

Pokemon Nintendo Direct Aired This Morning, Pokemon X and Y 3DS Bundles Announced

With unabated (and often further enticed) Pokemon fans still throwing stones at Nintendo for their silence, Nintendo has finally decided to throw a bone back their way in the form of a Pokemon-focused installment in their Nintendo Direct series.  During the Direct, Nintendo announced unique blue and red 3DS XL bundles that feature the game’s Legendary Pokemon etched in the front.  The company has set the bundles to release on Sept. 27 for North America and Europe.  This release date precedes the launch of the game, so it’s likely the bundles will not be packaged with the new Pokemon games.

Of course, Nintendo also has a host of Pokemon rumors to attend for, so likely this will not be the last piece of Pokemon X and Y information revealed before the release of the games this fall.

Source: Nintendo Direct

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