



Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter Closes, Reaches Every Goal

Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter Closes, Reaches Every Goal

The Kickstarter for Keiji Inafune’s new Mega Man- style project, Mighty No. 9 , has just closed, and they have done better than they could have ever imagined. The former Capcom great asked for 900,000 dollars in order to make this new project, and he received over 3.8 million dollars, smashing through all of the Kickstarter’s stretch goals. Now the game will come out on PC, Mac, Linux, PS3, 360, Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, 3DS, and Vita! It will include a new game-plus mode, a turbo mode, a boss rush mode, a challenge mode, three extra stages each with their own bosses, an online co-op challenge mode for Beck and Call, a brand-new support character, a single-player Call stage, an online battle race mode, a special making of the game documentary, AND an optional, retro, Mega Man- style soundtrack made entirely through Chiptunes!

A whopping 67,226 backers donated to Inafune’s cause. When the math is done, that means the average backer donated around 57 dollars to the game, the price of a full AAA title. Mighty No. 9 is set to be released in 2015, but that doesn’t have a more concrete release date. We will bring you more information about Mighty No. 9’s release as it becomes available.

Source: Kickstarter

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