



Capcom’s Deep Down Doesn’t Look as Good as It Used to

Capcom’s Deep Down Doesn’t Look as Good as It Used to

The guys over at WCCF Tech spotted an odd, slightly concerning detail about Capcom’s upcoming next-gen fantasy romp, Deep Down. That detail is that there’s a graphical dissonance between the first trailer and the multiplayer demo.  Or, in non-pretentious terms, the gameplay in the demo looks worse than the gameplay in the trailer.

It’s not that the stuff in the demo is bad. Hell, it definitely looks next-gen.  But the issue the WCCF Tech guys have with it is that it doesn’t sparkle quite as much as the first trailer does.  Where the demo showcases cool-looking gameplay, the trailer wows the viewer with photo-realistic settings and CGI-esque, in-game movements.  The conflict in quality produces one question: What gives, Capcom?

To take a closer look at the gameplay comparisons with the trailer, head on over to WCCF Tech . Deep Down will release on the PS4 as a free-to-play dungeon crawler in a similar style to Dark Souls .  Its release date has yet to be announced.

Source: WCCF Tech

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