



Xbox One Achievements Earned by Watching Media

Xbox One Achievements Earned by Watching Media

Microsoft has recently revealed that non-game applications will have Achievements tied to them on the Xbox One. For example, in a recent screen shot of the Xbox One Achievements screen, it appears as if Amazon Instant Video and Xbox Video both have Achievements tied to them. Examples of these Achievements include “Oooh! Somebody Stop me!” which rewards you for watching ten Amazon Instant Video titles within 60 days before the end of 2013, and “What’s Worth Doing Is Worth Doing for Money,” which rewards you for watching an Amazon Original pilot with the second letter of the Greek Alphabet. So yes, Microsoft is giving you Achievements for sitting on your ass and watching TV. They are gamifying the Xbox One’s non-game applications.

Xbox One Achievements will not be limited to the apps shown here. So you can expect to earn achievements for listening to music, watching Netflix, watching YouTube videos, and maybe even shopping on Amazon itself if a store app ever comes out. That way you can show off to all your friends how much of a life you just don’t have.

Source: Xbox One Apps List

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