



Disney Infinity Starter Packs Reach One Million in Sales

Disney Infinity Starter Packs Reach One Million in Sales

Disney Infinity , the sandbox game that uses action figures and an NFC sensor, has sold over one million starter packs. Considering that each of these starter packs retails for $75, Disney has made a whole lot of money. The new game has actually been criticized for its expensive cost of entry, but it seems to be doing fine.

This doesn’t even begin to factor in the immense amount of money that Disney will make on Disney Infinity expansion packs. An exclusive Jack Skellington figure recently sold out of GameStop stores in only three days! Disney has new play sets for the game ready to come out, including the Toy Story in Space set that came out on October 22 nd . Dedicated Disney Infinity fans can already pick up play sets for The Incredible, Pirates of the Caribbean, Monsters University, Cars, and The Lone Ranger.

With one million copies of the game in homes around the globe, can Disney Infinity put a dent in Skylanders , its primary competition? We will bring you more information on Disney Infinity and its upcoming sets as it becomes available.

Source: Disney Earnings Call (via Variety )

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