



Blazblue Chrono Phantasma Will Not Have Cross-Play

Blazblue Chrono Phantasma Will Not Have Cross-Play

Unfortunately, it looks like fans of Arc-System Works’ Blazblue series will have to purchase the game twice if they want it on both a portable and a console. Though they recently announced that the game would be coming to the PS Vita platform, they also announced that they will not be supporting cross-buy or cross-play functionality.

First of all, this means that Vita owners will not be able to play opponents on the PS3 version of the game and vice versa. Second of all, this means that you’ll need to purchase the game twice to have it on both platforms, as we said before. But third of all, and perhaps most interestingly, this means that the PS3 and PS Vita versions of the game will be different. Siliconera spoke to director Ryohei Endo about these differences.

“Of course there will be some new elements added,” says Endo. “The biggest change will be in the Abyss Mode, where you’ll be powering up your characters as you win through fights. The PlayStation 3 version fixated on acquiring items and equipping them on characters for strong combinations. In order to improve that, we’re introducing a cost system.”

“Now that you can’t equip countless strong items, it has the characteristics of a card game, where you’ll have to construct your deck,” adds Endo. “We’ve also added the number of items to go with it.”

In addition to these differences, the Vita story mode will have additional chapters including… yes… new “beach” stories where everyone gets into swimsuits. Oh Otaku pandering. Is there nothing you can’t do?

Source: Siliconera

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