



Battlefield Hardline Beta “Confirmed” for PS4

Battlefield Hardline Beta “Confirmed” for PS4

With the previoulsy leaked police-themed Battlefield Hardline now being a thing, a source of IGN has confirmed that there will be a Beta of the game coming to Sony’s PlayStation 4, and there will also be a chance for E3 attendees–who’ll be viewing Sony’s presentation–to receive an access code for said Beta.

Rumor of Battlefield Hardline’s Beta began when IGN Readers and NeoGAF users were emailed a PlayStation 4 code as thanks for their confirmation of attendance to Sony’s E3 presentation.

According to IGN, the game’s Beta will allow for players to access “ two new game modes ” on a map called “High Tension”.

For a chance to receive your access code, Sony will be streaming their E3 conference to US cinemas at no extra charge to you. Check out PlayStation.Blog for further details on participating cinemas .

Battlefield Hardline is slated for an Q3/Q4 2014 release in US and Europe for PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3, and it will be co-developed by Dead Space developer Visceral Games.

[ IGN ]

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