



Sony Executive Speaks Out Against Harassment

Sony Executive Speaks Out Against Harassment

More and more big names in gaming are speaking out against the horrendous harassment that has occurred involving people like Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu, and more. The latest was Shawn Layden of Sony, head of SCEA. When asked about #GamerGate, Layden responded with a statement of solidarity.

“I think the industry has spoken with one voice on this one, through the ESA. All of us are members of that trade body, including me and Phil Spencer and Reggie and all the big publishers.”

He then went on to say, while the #GamerGate message is muddled and people can talk about that as much as they like, he absolutely cannot support any form of harassment.

“Don’t think there is one statement or one position on it, or one answer to whatever this very broadly-defined #GamerGate really means. A lot of things are getting swept into that. I’ll be very clear about my view of harassment or bullying. It’s completely unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. I will not be vague or equivocate about that.”

Source: Venturebeat

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