



Xbox One Gets HBO Go App

Xbox One Gets HBO Go App

Blah Blah Blah Game of Thrones Blah Blah Blah Game of Thrones .

What? Oh I’m sorry, that’s just what I hear whenever anyone talks about different ways to watch HBO.

The latest way to watch HBO is the new HBO GO app for the Xbox One. It works basically the exact same way as HBO Go on a PC. You need to have a subscription to a cable or satellite TV service that gets HBO in order to use the app right now. However, it has already been announced that HBO will be launching as a standalone service for people who don’t particularly care about TV service but still need their Game of Thrones fix.

HBO Go has been available on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for some time now. However, this Xbox One update marks the first instance of it on a next-gen console. It will also be coming to the PS4 but that update has not yet been dated

Source: Gamespot

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