



Get Sunset Overdrive For 40% Off Now!

Get Sunset Overdrive For 40% Off Now!

If you haven’t had the chance to dive head first into the ultra-fun, stylized experience of Sunset Overdrive on the Xbox, now is your chance!

Overdrive is currently on sale for a limited time. Anyone who has an Xbox Live Gold subscription can pick up the exclusive title for 40% off right now!

Also, they’ve recently rolled out a few extra achievements for all you hunters out there looking to bump up your Gamerscore. Via the folks at the Xbox Wire , here is the rundown:

  • Hardcore!: Buck National vs The Apocalypse
  • Beat the score of 600,000 on the Challenge “Buck’s National vs The Apocalypse.”
  • Hardcore!: Buck Strikes Back
  • Beat the score of 564,500 on the Challenge “Buck’s Strikes Back.”
  • Hardcore!: Buck Stops Here
  • Beat the score of 703,700 on the Challenge “Buck’s Stops Here.”
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