



Surprise! Five Night’s at Freddy’s 3 Is Out

Surprise! Five Night’s at Freddy’s 3 Is Out

OK, so you know how Scott Cawthon just sort of releases his games randomly without any real fanfare? Yeah, that happened again. Early yesterday (or late the night before depending on where you live) Five Night’s at Freddy’s 3 hit Steam. No announcement. No press release. The community was left to their own devices to realize that the game had come out.

You can pick it up right now for $7.99 on the Steam marketplace, and let me tell you, it’s absolutely terrifying. If you were a fan of the Freddy’s series up until now, you will love this game. It’s packed full of more story than the first two combined. For more info on how this game honestly scars you, check out our official review.

Source: Steam

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