



Gone Home Console Version Canceled

Gone Home Console Version Canceled

If you were looking forward to playing the console version of Gone Home soon, you will have to wait longer than you originally thought. Developer The Fullbright Company has confirmed at this year’s GDC that the console version of the game is no longer in development. Midnight City, a subsidiary of Majesco, was originally on board to publish the console version of the game, but The Fullbright Company has apparently cut ties with the publisher.

This may have something to do with Majesco’s recent financial troubles. Its stock has been sharing for less than a dollar for a while, which means that it will be booted from the Nasdaq sometime soon. For those of you who don’t speak stock, this basically means that Majesco just isn’t valued much as a company.

While The Fullbright Company hasn’t ruled out a console release of Gone Home in the future, they have confirmed that they have ceased any current production of a console port.

Source: Gamespot

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