



Gaming Terms Being Added to the Dictionary

Gaming Terms Being Added to the Dictionary

Dictionary.com has decided to add a number of new gaming terms to its database. A recent update added more than a thousand new and modified words to the English language. Most of these words have to do with our changing political and technological atmosphere.

Many of these terms come from the gaming community. eSports, permadeath, and completionist are all actual words now, despite what Microsoft Word would have me believe as I type this very article. Unfortunately, dox has also become a term in the English language, a term I rather wish weren’t there.

In addition to these terms, black hat, dark web, gesture, haptics, lifehack, and smartwatch all were added on the technological side, and agender, bigender, crash blossom, gender fluid, hyperlocal, microaggression, and slacktivisim have been added on the political side. The final addition to the dictionary was “ship,” as in a fanfiction term for bringing two fictional characters together in a relationship. Oh, fanficcers. Your insistence on seeing Batman kiss Goku has changed our very method of speech. Good for you!

Source: Dictionary.com

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