



Splatoon Makes a Huge Splash in August

Splatoon Makes a Huge Splash in August

You need to come back to Splatoon . I know, there’s a good chance you’ve stopped playing, even though Nintendo has been adding new weapons and maps weekly. But come next week, the mother of all updates is going to make you want to return. August 5 is Ink Day.

Ink Day is when Squad Battle and Private Battle will be added to Splatoon . The former is Turf Wars, only with a team of your choosing. Once you get two to four friends to join you, you’ll be paired with a random opponent. The latter is a private battling option where you choose the number players, which maps appear, and what the team distribution looks like. You could even have one person face off against everybody if you like.

There will be new equipment options released next week for Splatoon as well. Over 40 hats, shirts, and shoes will be added to the shops. You can also get the Slosher and Splatling weapons for the first time that day. Don’t worry about the in-game cost, since the raising of the level cap from 20 to 50 guarantees you’ll be doing some “grinding” to attempt to get S and S+ rankings.

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