



Be Alien Hunters with XCOM 2’s Next Add-on

Be Alien Hunters with XCOM 2’s Next Add-on

Some bigger, badder aliens are coming to XCOM 2 . I hope your troops are prepared! On May 12, you can pay $9.99 for Alien Hunters. Don’t balk at that price, as it’s worth it. You’re getting a mission, equipment, an Avenger’s Armory Hunter’s Lodge and Ruler aliens.

Let’s start with the equipment, because you’re going to need it with the new mission and foes coming to XCOM 2 . You can find the Bolt Caster, Frost Bomb Grenade, Hunter’s Axe, and ShadowKeeper Pistol in the game. These are all one-of-a-kind weapons, so don’t lose them! If the character using them falls, get that unit to the Skyranger, stat!

You’ll need them because Rulers are scary. There are three Rulers who can appear randomly in your campaign after beating the Alien Hunters’ mission. Each one has its own AI and won’t hesitate to run from a battle if you aren’t fast enough. Try to wipe them out, because you can use materials from fighting them to make three new armor sets that each have their own ability.

Basically, this sounds like a cool add-on for people who enjoy XCOM 2 and want more of a challenge.

Source: XCOM 2

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