



A Speedrunner Beat DOOM in 90 Minutes

A Speedrunner Beat DOOM in 90 Minutes

People wondering exactly how difficult DOOM is probably shouldn’t be looking at speedrunner records. Runners are absolutely demolishing this game. DraQu, in particular, has set world records for both both the I’m too Young to Die and Nightmare difficulty levels.

First, the easy difficulty speedrun, as it’s the shorter of the two. DraQu beat the game in 1 hour, 29 minutes, and 58 seconds. That’s crazy. While this did involve clipping through walls and walking across terrain that’s not supposed to be crossed, it’s still impressive. Also, it isn’t a 100% completion run. See for yourself. It’s great.

Even better is DraQu’s nightmare difficulty speedrun. Considering this is one of the hardest modes, you’d think it’d be substantially longer. But no! He beats the game in 1 hour, 41 minutes, and 45 seconds.

Kind of makes you wonder what you could do with DOOM too, right?

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