



League of Legends Will Let You End 4v5 Matches

League of Legends Will Let You End 4v5 Matches

Anyone playing a multiplayer game online knows the horror that comes when you realize one of your teammates has disappeared. Maybe there was a connection issue or a real life issue that pulled him or her away. You’re down one person. You’re at a disadvantage. Riot Games is introducing a /remake feature into League of Legends to keep 4v5 matches from happening.

Here’s how it goes. At the three minute mark of a match, if one teammate has been disconnected or away for 90 seconds and no one has been killed, the people on the that team can type /remake in chat to end the match without any penalties. It’ll be like it never happened. A vote will be taken up and, if two of the four people still on the team agree, the game immediately ends. All records are unaltered. No valuables are lost.

Ranked League of Legends matches have different rules for /remake. As Riot Games says, “To protect competitive integrity, Diamond V and above players will also take a loss when the dc’d player is in their premade; We’ll keep an eye on this restriction to see if it needs to extend to lower ranks.” Keep that in mind when you play.

This is really a fantastic feature, and everyone who plays League of Legends should look forward to it. The /remake command will be part of patch 6.1.1. North America will get it first, and then everyone else can make use of it soon afterwards.

Source: League of Legends

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