



Futuristic New Racer Confirmed for the NX

Futuristic New Racer Confirmed for the NX

Developer VD-DEV Games is working on a sleek, futuristic racing game called RISE: Race to the Future . We haven’t seen any actual gameplay footage yet, but we do have a pretty neat trailer showing off an incredible looking vehicle. VD-DEV has partnered with hyper-car designer Anthony Jannarelly, so we can expect a pretty sick lineup of concept cars to play with. This game is interesting because VD-DEV is known for making mobile and handheld games, but RISE is slated to release on pretty much every platform.

When I say every platform, I mean every platform. At the end of the trailer you can see logos for PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Steam, iOS, and Android. There’s even a logo for the Nintendo NX, to everyone’s surprise. Depending on who you talk to, this makes RISE the first third-party game confirmed for Nintendo’s mysterious new console. How on Earth this game will be optimized for all of these consoles and mobile platforms is a mystery to me, but maybe we’ll get some gameplay footage at E3. Check out the announcement trailer right here:

Source: Nintendo-Insider

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