



Overwatch’s Torbjorn’s Getting Weaker on Consoles

Overwatch’s Torbjorn’s Getting Weaker on Consoles

Sometimes, characters in multiplayer games can be more devastating on one platform than the others. With Overwatch , that dude is Torbjorn. He’s fine on PCs, but anyone on a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One will attest to the unfairness of his turrets. Once he sets some out and begins upgrading them, you’re in trouble. Blizzard knows this and is preparing a fix.

Jeff Kaplan, Overwatch’ s director, addressed the issue on Reddit . Specifically, he said, “In an upcoming patch, we will reduce the damage done by Torbjorn’s turret by 30% on Xbox One and PS4. PC will remain unchanged.” This is a direct response to the current nature of the turret. The update will be out sometime in the second half of July, after Blizzard finishes it and both Microsoft and Sony okay its release..

This kind of prompt action is great news. Overwatch is a fantastic game, and Blizzard has been doing a lot to ensure a fair and level playing field. While a 30% reduction is huge, Torbjorn is causing a lot of trouble as-is at the moment, and this can only help.

Source: Reddit , Kotaku

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