



Minecraft’s Movie Materializes in May 2019

Minecraft’s Movie Materializes in May 2019

Excited about that Minecraft movie? Hold on to that feeling. Like, grip it as tightly as possible. You’re going to have to maintain that enthusiasm for quite some time, because it’ll be a while before this show’s on the road. Mojang says we’ll see it on May 24, 2019. People will be able to see it in standard, 3D, and IMAX presentations. Think IMAX will still be in demand in three years?

Here’s my concern. May 2019 is a long ways away. We’ve already seen what happened with that Angry Birds movie, which surfaced after the fad had faded. It wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t the best. The same goes for World of Warcraft , which showed up as the MMO is on the decline and has received horrible reviews. Both appeared after their time, and I fear the Minecraft movie will also show up long after its prime.

Source: Mojang

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