



No Man’s Sky Has Gone Gold, Is Done

No Man’s Sky Has Gone Gold, Is Done

Worried about more No Man’s Sky delays? Well, I think we’re in the clear! Sean Murray, the founder of Hello Games, has put up a picture on Twitter that says a thousand words. It also has text that goes ahead and confirms that No Man’s Sky has gone gold after four years of development.

“Jenni,” you ask, “what does ‘gone gold’ mean?” Glad you asked! It’s a term thrown around in the gaming world, but not often explained. What it means here is that No Man’s Sky is ready for manufacturing. Development has ended, the game is done, and it’s being prepared for shipping and release.

So yeah! The end is near! We’ll see No Man’s Sky on PlayStation 4 and PC on August 9. Are you excited? I’m still a bit worried, because I’m wondering if it’ll be super engaging for a more casual player like me, but I hope it’s everything all the people excited about it are hoping for!

Source: Twitter

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