



No Man’s Sky Sees Slight Delay on PC

No Man’s Sky Sees Slight Delay on PC

The development team behind No Man’s Sky, Hello Games, has gone through some tough times leading up to the game’s release. Early delays opened the door to repeated death threats from rabid “fans.” British television provider Sky, which apparently thought that it owned the word “sky,” pursued the team legally for years before the two reached a settlement allowing for the use of the word “sky” in No Man’s Sky . Most recently, a Dutch company called Genicap claimed that No Man’s Sky ‘s procedural generation algorithm infringed upon its own “superformula” patent which, as it turns out, it doesn’t at all. With everything sorted out, we should be right on track for August 9, right?

Pretty much. PS4 players will still be able to pick the game up as scheduled, but it will be delayed very slightly on PC. Now before you freak out, the delay is only three days. PC players will be able to explore the galaxy on August 12 instead of August 9. Hello Games didn’t make any official announcement or give any reason for the delay, rather the change was made subtly on the official No Man’s Sky website. If anything else changes before launch, we’ll let you know immediately.

Source: Digital Trends

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