



Nintendo Power Is Now at Archive.org

Nintendo Power Is Now at Archive.org

Do you love and miss Nintendo Power ? I do. I remember when I was a kid, I had every issue from about 1988-1992. I wish I still had them. But now, in a way, we all can. Archive.org has started putting Nintendo Power issues in its archive. Hurrah for the internet!

Archive.org’s Nintendo Power collection starts at the beginning. The first issue available is the absolute first July/August 1988 issue. They currently have perusable copies of issues up to number 145, which was released in June 2001. To read them, you click the cover, then go page by page through the issue.

Keep in mind, this doesn’t give you immediate access to every Nintendo Power . The magazine ran until December 11, 2012. Still, almost 13 years worth of issues is pretty amazing. It’s quite a bit of reading material that will keep you occupied for quite a long time!

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