



No Man’s Sky Exploit Lets You Move Faster on Planets

No Man’s Sky Exploit Lets You Move Faster on Planets

You never know what you’re going to find on a planet in No Man’s Sky . Maybe there’ll be resources. Perhaps there’ll be new signs of life. Or, maybe you’ll even happen upon a terrifying situation and curse your limited stamina that keeps you from running away as fast as possible. Fortunately, there’s a No Man’s Sky exploit that lets you move a little more quickly, without taking up an inventory slot to increase your stamina.

This No Man’s Sky exploit comes courtesy of Reddit ’s MakeDonaldDrumpfOLPE and lets you move faster than you can normally sprint. Though, you do need to start at a sprint to make it work. While you’re running on a planet, press the R1 melee attack trigger, then press and hold X, for your jet pack, immediately after. It’s estimated you’ll then dash forward between three and five times faster than you would normally sprint.

The trick here is all in the timing. If you press X after R1 at the right time, your character is going to shoot forward, covering an amazing amount of distance. Which is exactly what you need in No Man’s Sky . Those Sentinels can eat your dust!

Source: Reddit

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