



Try Watch Dogs 2 for 3 Hours

Try Watch Dogs 2 for 3 Hours

Watch Dogs 2 has been out for quite some time now. I mean, it’s almost two months old. You’d think people would have made their mind up as to whether or not they should buy it. But, in case they haven’t, Ubisoft has decided to release a three hour trial for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The Watch Dogs 2 extended demo is basically the entire beginning of the game. You get the full experience, complete with multiplayer, and progress will carry over from the trial to the first game, should you buy it after testing it out. PlayStation 4 players can download it now, while Xbox One owners can grab it on January 24.

This is a good idea and nice way to lure people in after Watch Dogs 2’ s rocky start. After all, it’s working pretty much perfectly now. There are no bugs or kinks. You can play with people online without any issues. Giving people three hours to test it out is going to go over very well.

Source: YouTube

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