



Everyone Can Play Resident Evil 7’s DLC Now

Everyone Can Play Resident Evil 7’s DLC Now

Resident Evil 7 was yet another game to cozy up to Sony for PlayStation 4-exclusive content. That is no longer the case, as the two packs of DLC content released late last month are now available on the Xbox One and PC. Everyone gets more quality time with Ethan and the Baker family, thanks to Banned Footage Vol. 1 and Vol. 2!

Banned Footage Vol. 1 included two new Scenario missions and Ethan Must Die, an incredibly and difficult remix of Resident Evil 7 with randomized loot and enemies that can kill Ethan in one hit. Capcom sure does love the “X Must Die” nomenclature. Banned Footage Vol. 2 includes another two new story scenarios, including a prequel to the game’s main campaign. It also introduces a new game mode called Jack’s 55th Birthday, a comical mode where you need to feed “daddy” food on his birthday.

Timed exclusive DLC is what it is, and probably (hopefully) helps game development. It’s good to see any Resident Evil 7 fan can play the add-ons now, as the game was a critical success and the exclusivity likely spawned arguments on the Internet.

Source: GameSpot

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