



Red Dead Redemption 2 Release Date Possibly Leaked

Red Dead Redemption 2 Release Date Possibly Leaked

Base, an independent, online UK retailer, may have accidentally leaked the release date of Rockstar’s upcoming frontier sequel, Red Dead Redemption 2 . Most upcoming game releases hit retailers with placeholder dates, typically December 31 of whatever the current year is. This is true of Base as well. Browsing other games up for pre-order shows as much. However, when you look at the page for Red Dead Redemption 2 , which is still up as of this writing, it shows a date of September 26, 2017.

It seems like September is shaping up to be a big month for AAA gaming. with Destiny 2 reportedly on tap for the month according to another recent retailer leak. Leaks happen all the time, to the chagrin of game publisher PR everywhere. But it seems like lately, things are getting out from retailers more and more lately. Perhaps publishers should be more careful when shipping things and providing information?

Source: Base

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