



Splatoon Competition Will Bring 4 Players to E3 2017

Splatoon Competition Will Bring 4 Players to E3 2017

Hey Splatoon fans!! You know how E3 is open to the public this year? Well you and a bunch of friends could be some of that public! Get three of your best buddies together (and a backup if you want) and register your team at Battlefy. The four of you will combat in Splatoon against other hopefuls to win a trip to E3 2017 in Los Angeles California! The city of angels is looking to welcome its Splatoon fans so they can see what else Nintendo is cooking up.

The Turf War (qualifying round) is taking place on April 22 at 11 a.m. PT. You’ll have to check in early (i.e. an hour before the tournament time) via the “Check In” button on Battlefy. The battles will take place across multiple team multiplayer matches, which means you’ll have to deal with Turf War, Splat Zones, Tower Control, and Rainmaker fights.

You have to be 18+, live in the United States, have a Wii U console, and a copy of Splatoon to enter! If you meet all those requirements though, and make it past the qualifying round, you’ll be able to fight your way to the top. The leading 16 teams in the qualifying round will move on to the finals. There the teams will have to go through a best-of-five play of Turf War, Splat Zones, and Tower Control. When only two teams remain they will fight in Rainmaker mode during the Grand Finals. These finals will take place on April 29 at 11 a.m. PT.

Winners go to E3 2017, so the stakes are high!

Source: Press Release

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