



Switches Took Flight to Reach Their New Owners

Switches Took Flight to Reach Their New Owners

Nintendo-related stock issues have been dominating headlines and for good reason. There never seem to be enough things that people want, and said people really want those things and aren’t happy about not getting them! Recently, Nintendo spoke to the Wall Street Journal and provided some insight into the issue and how they’re remedying things.

For example, Nintendo originally wanted to ship 2 million Switch units for launch time and ended up shipping way more. It ultimately ended up getting around 2.74 million to retailers. How did Nintendo successfully get almost an extra million out along with the original amount planned? Air shipping.

Normally, manufacturers tend to ship en masse via ships, because shipments by sea are more cost-efficient. In shipping by air, Nintendo was able to ensure higher stock numbers, but at a much higher cost. Shipping by air from China to the US and Europe costed roughly an extra $45 per unit.

Nintendo explained that this move was only for launch units, and sea-based shipments were back to normal in April. The Switch is only gaining momentum, so hopefully eager Nintendo fans can still get their hands on the thing.

Source: Kotaku

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