



Steam Summer Sale Dates Leaked

Steam Summer Sale Dates Leaked

Prepare yourself, because the “take my money” memes are coming. It’s about that time again my friends. As the weather warms, as the sun finally shows her brilliant face, as the animals begin birthing young ones into the wild, another familiar sight is soon to appear. I’m talking of course about the Steam Summer Sale. It’s happened for years now and is a bit of a milestone in the gaming community. You know it’s time to break out the boogie boards, solo cups, and sweet tea when the Steam Summer Sale rolls around. If that doesn’t sound like your kind of summer, then I don’t think we can be friends anymore.

According to two Reddit users, the Steam Summer Sale will be happening June 22 through July 5. Two users both post a screenshot with these dates, so it’s safe to say this was probably the date Valve had agreed on. There’s also the fact that a SteamWorks moderator stepped in and told Redditors that the No Disclosure Agreement was being broken.

All signs point to the truth. The dates could possibly still change, but at least we have a window in which we know we need to bolster our cash supplies. Get ready!

Source: The Escapist

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