



PayPal hits PSN with Mass Chargeback

PayPal hits PSN with Mass Chargeback

A massive wave of chargebacks from online payment service PayPal hit the PlayStation Network yesterday. The reason why this has happened is still unclear, but in the meantime, any PlayStation Network account associated with these chargebacks were sent into a negative balance. This triggers an automatic ban from the service.

So far, this has only happened to PlayStation Network accounts in the UK. To find out if your account is affected, check your inbox for a a refund email from PayPal. Any surprise PlayStation Network account suspensions are also likely related to this.

Sony is apparently in contact with PayPal trying to figure out what the heck happened and why, but no public statements have appeared from either company yet. Speculation has been rampant,. Some users with banking knowledge seem to be suggesting something went awry with Sony’s GDP account, interfering with funds actually reaching the right accounts. But the charges affected are all from early June, so that seems like an odd amount of time for a payment to reach the clearing stage.

Source: Kotaku

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