



Overwatch Patch Introduces Doomfist, Loot Boxes Changes

Overwatch Patch Introduces Doomfist, Loot Boxes Changes

Overwatch has been patched across all available platforms. Among the usual bugfixes and smaller updates, the patch also introduces some major changes. A new character, Doomfist, has jumped into the fray, and changes have been made to how Loot Boxes and Highlights work.

First, Doomfight, previously only available on the test servers, is now out in full. Doomfist is a distinct, melee-based character with tools such as the Rocket Punch, Hand Cannon and Seismic Slam. His side abilities are based on keeping him alive while he’s in a scrap.

Loot Boxes are changing in two ways. First, the stats have been altered to significantly decrease the number of duplicate items received. Secondly, to compensate for that, the number of credits players receive on average from Loot Boxes will also be increased. It is a win-win situation.

Finally, the Highlights system has seen multiple changes. First, the automatic highlights based on recent play will be presented as Today’s Top 5 and will last for 24 hours at a time, unless a patch is released. Second, players can record their own game footage for highlights. After binding the button, up to 12 seconds of play can be recorded. These are stored in Recently Captured and will be available until Overwatch is patched. Finally, players will be able to export any of the above from their game into their PC or console. PC players will also be able to choose various quality options.

Source: Blizzard

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