



Nintendo Community Cracks Switch Golf Mystery

Nintendo Community Cracks Switch Golf Mystery

A couple of days ago , we reported on the fervor surrounding an emulator and ROM set built into the Nintendo Switch’s firmware code. It turns out that, despite everyone originally assuming it was some sort of leftover Virtual Console test or other unintended trinket tucked away behind inaccessible code, it’s actually something anyone can play after meeting a couple specific conditions. Everyone gets a free game, albeit with a catch!

After hours and hours of looking at code, crowdsourced input shenanigans, and an old, forgotten post claiming without proof this was totally a thing, the people finally figured it out. And the answer might just make you feel some feelings. As much of the community knows, Nintendo’s former President, the late Satoru Iwata, passed away on July 11, 2015. It was discovered that this playable NES ROM of Golf with Joy-Con motion controls appears to be a tribute to the man who dedicated most of his life to Nintendo.

If your Switch detects the date as July 11, the first key to unlocking the puzzle turns. The fun part is, if your Switch has ever connected to the Internet, you can’t just change the time on a software level. Once it’s July 11, , doing the iconic Iwata Nintendo Direct motion with the Joy-Cons will unlock the emulator and Golf . As obtuse at it is, how awesome is it that Nintendo buried a tribute to Iwata in the hardware he wasn’t able to see launch?

Source: Ars Technica

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