



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Coming to Injustice 2.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Coming to Injustice 2.

Around the same time, not only is a Final Fantasy character r olling up to the King of Iron Fist tournament , but the entirely of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are coming to Injustice 2 . And that’s after Hellboy has already been confirmed as well. What a time to be alive.

This announcement came in the form of the latest Fighter Pack trailer, the ones that typically come after an initial character announcement. This time around was The Atom a few weeks ago. Following The Atom, Enchantress was first revealed in this trailer, a villain now associated with Suicide Squad thanks to the recent movie.

But as soon as things start getting messy between Atom and Enchantress, a sai lands in-between the two and a large figure in a trenchcoat approaches. It’s Raphael of course, and he’s quickly joined by the rest of the team.

This is not the first time the worlds of DC Comics and TMNT have intersected, with a recent Batman / TMNT crossover miniseries hitting the shelves in individual and trade paperback forms. It’s also unclear how the Turtles are included, in terms of roster/mechanics in Injustice 2 , as all four are shown, but sans gameplay.

Source: Eurogamer

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