



Adult Gohan Joins Dragon Ball FighterZ

Adult Gohan Joins Dragon Ball FighterZ

The latest issue of Japanese publication V-Jump has yet another set of Dragon Ball FighterZ character reveals. This time there are three new additions, all from the Majin Buu-era of the Dragon Ball Z storyline. The three characters are Kid Buu, Gotenks, and “Adult Gohan.”

Each character has the iconic special moves one would expect. Highlighted are Gotenks’ “Charging Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball,” Kid Buu’s “Planet Burst,” and Adult Gohan’s “Unlock Potential” and “Ultimate Kamehameha.” Gotenks’ move is one originally performed with Piccolo in the story, but will bring in help based on the characters in your chosen team.

This issue of V-Jump also includes announcements for a few modes. The first is the shop, in which players will be able to use their earned Zeni to purchase things like alternate character colors and player titles. The second is the obligatory Arcade Mode, which of course is a set number of battles. In this one however, the “route” can change based on winning or losing.

Source: Gematsu

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