



Overwatch Twitter Reveals Asp Pharah Legendary Skin

Overwatch Twitter Reveals Asp Pharah Legendary Skin

There’s nothing more synonymous with Overwatch than Legendary skins, and developer Blizzard is not afraid to celebrate that fact. Most recently, they are doing so with a cosmetics update to the game that includes all kinds of new skins, sprays, and icons. Of these, first legendary skin was revealed: Asp Pharah. The Overwatch Twitter account has announced that they will be showcasing a new item every day leading up to the cosmetics update release.

This first one for Pharah is insanely cool looking. Everything is Ancient Egyptian inspired, but with this one being focused on the deadly asp snake. Pharah’s boost jets look like wings, her rocket launcher has been transformed into a snake head, and there’s even more snake imagery on her chest plate and helmet. Needless to say, Asp Pharah looks epic.

There’s an extremely short video of this new skin available to watch on the Overwatch Twitter account if you want to give it a look. You’ll see there that this is just day one of a five day countdown to the cosmetics update. This will also mark the release of the highly anticipated Blizzard World map within Overwatch . Keep your eyes on Overwatch on January 23 if you want to take advantage of the new cosmetics as soon as possible!

Source: Game Rant

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