



Reddit and Twitch Band Fighting Net Neutrality Repeal

Reddit and Twitch Band Fighting Net Neutrality Repeal

Net neutrality is set to begin repealing in April 2018, unless something drastic happens. All kinds of websites and individuals are doing their best to work together to plead their case to government officials. Fight for the Future is just one of those organizations. They are working together with dozens of listed websites, as well as companies like Reddit, and Twitch, to get the word out about net neutrality.

The one remaining hope right now to avoid the beginning of the repeal is to have a positive vote against it in the Senate. Only one more vote needs to be given there against the net neutrality repeal. If that happens, then the issue will be tossed up to the House of Representatives. There it could potentially be blocked, and the concerns of Internet freedom and lack of censorship go away. This can only be done with the help of many however.

Fight For the Future’s biggest upcoming event is Operation: #OneMoreVote (so named after the one Senate vote needed to potentially block the repeal). This will be happening tomorrow on February 27. Twitch, Reddit, and even individual YouTubers like Hank Green (and his Internet Creators Guild), are going to be advertising the appeal process. The Fight For the Future group is even providing ways for net neutrality supporters to easily contact their representing members of the Senate. The hope is that everyone across the Internet will band together and show Senate members how important it is to Americans to keep net neutrality.

If you’d like to find out more about Operation: #OneMoreVote (and how to participate yourself), you can go to the Fight for the Future website devoted to it .

Source: Polygon

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