



Monster Hunter: World Breaks Massive Capcom Record

Monster Hunter: World Breaks Massive Capcom Record

Not long after it launched, Capcom announced its latest, Monster Hunter: World , was a huge hit, and announced it was the fastest-selling Capcom game. It even took PUBG over on the Xbox Live chart. Now, Capcom has another milestone announcement for Monster Hunter: World : it’s now the best-selling game in Capcom’s long history.

In a press release, Capcom boasts that for Monster Hunter: World , this is the first game in the series (which has run since the PS2) that was given a simultaneous global release, and the first to have a big, global marketing campaign boosting it up.

There is some fine print, although not much of it. The number given of 7.5 million, is a shipment number, meaning the number of copies sold to retailers rather than the sell through numbers, which would be how many copies went home with customers. The number also includes digital sales though, and the same press release also states Monster Hunter: World has over 7 million players.

The crazy thing is this game just came out in January – this all-time record has been crushed in less than two months, and the PC version still isn’t out yet. The momentum will likely continue for a while yet.

Source: Polygon

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