



Pokemon Go Introduces Research Tasks

Pokemon Go Introduces Research Tasks

Pokemon Go is finally introducing some much needed story content. Gyms and raids brought new ways to play, but now research tasks will give players story-driven gameplay. Pokemon Go ‘s research tasks will also bring in new rewards for players to further enrich their experiences.

Research tasks will have players completing all kinds of different objectives for Pokemon characters including Professor Willow. When they have completed them, they’ll get items, and even the chance to run across special Pokemon. This is mostly likely how Mew is going to be up for grabs for example.

These research tasks are broken up into two categories: Field Research, and Special Research. Field Research includes objectives like catching Pokemon of a certain type, and winning gym battles and raids. Their prizes are varied depending on task difficulty. Players will also be able to complete more than one Field Research task per day if they so choose. Special Research will be given by specific characters and are essentially multiple Field Research tasks bundled together. These include spinning multiple PokeStops, and catching and transferring Pokemon.

Hopefully this will bring some diversity to Pokemon Go gameplay that fans have been sorely wanting. Will you be picking it back up? Or have you never stopped?

Source: Kotaku

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