



Myst 25th Anniversary Collection Releasing From Cyan

Myst 25th Anniversary Collection Releasing From Cyan

If you were born and/or raised in the 90’s, you almost certainly know Myst . The mysterious franchise sparked the imaginations of a generation, and it’s now celebrating its 25 anniversary! With this special birthday, the original creators of Myst, Cyan Worlds, Inc., wanted to release a special collector’s edition. They took to Kickstarter and absolutely shattered their goal in a mere eight hours. What that means for the world is updated versions of all seven Myst games. Kickstarter backers will get some extra special goodies, though.

First, let’s talk about the games. Perhaps you’re not familiar with all the Myst titles. The Myst 25th Anniversary Collection will include: Myst: Masterpiece Edition , Riven: The Sequel to Myst , Myst III: Exile , Myst IV: Revelation , Myst V: End of Ages , Uru: Complete Chronicles , and finally, realMyst: Masterpiece Edition . These have all been upgraded for Windows 10 quality graphics and gameplay, thanks to GOG.com.

Even more exciting is what the various tiers of backing offer. Those at the tip top will get a replica of Gehn’s pen and inkwell (that actually holds ink!), as well as the Linking Book. There are two versions of the book, one has a cut-out that shows the DVD box art, while a further expensive one actually includes a digital screen that will show video fly-throughs from the Myst games. To get this special book and pen/inkwell combo, you’ll have to pledge at least $250 (which also includes digital and physical copies of the game). For just the book with digital screen, at least $169 (includes digital/physical games). For the simpler version of the book you’ll have to pay at least $99 (includes digital/physical games). The only other available tier with rewards is $49, which gives backers digital copies of all the games from either GOG or Steam.

There was one other chance for fans to own a piece of Myst history, but all have already found their 25 lucky backers. At a pledge of $1,000 or more, these winners will be getting digital/physical copies of all the games, the Linking Book with animated screen, Gehn’s pen and inkwell, and an original hand drawn concept sketch from Riven (with certificate of authenticity).

Cyan will be updating their Kickstarter through the remaining 43 days in the campaign. It’s anyone’s guess as to how much more money they’ll get!

Source: Kickstarter

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